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Diálogos Serie

Ep. 6 | Antonio Grassi e Jards Macalé

Singer and songwriter Jards Macalé is the guest of the sixth episode of the Diálogos series. Macalé talks with Antonio Grassi, CEO at Inhotim, about his friendship with Hélio Oiticica and how the artist influenced his work.

The Diálogos series, produced by Inhotim, holds discussions on art, culture, and the environment with artists, curators, and botany specialists.

The series is also available at Inhotim’s YouTube channel, Instagram account, and Facebook profile.

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Diálogos Serie

Ep. 6 | Antonio Grassi e Jards Macalé

Galeria Cosmococa on Inhotim

Galeria Cosmococa on Inhotim.



Diálogos Ep. 6 I Antonio Grassi e Jards Macalé

Website and social media @inhotim


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